I actually expected less from this rack but I’m so happy with it.
The only complaints I have is that to use the overhead pulley you need to stand very close to it or it hits the pull up bar. The shape/design of the pegs could be improved but like I said for the price point it’s great.
A great sturdy product for a good price. The ‘large’ is the perfect size for my (smallish) Labrador. The pickup customer service was fast and friendly. Highly recommended.
I use this for my 10yr old daughter - she has her silks hanging from it. she swings, hangs upside down and spins on it and the whole frame takes it all. we have removed the pull up bar but it is easily added back on when we need it. Great purchase and would recommend. Communication once ordered was great and delivery was quick.
In term 4, 2024 Gym West introduced this new piece of equipment to our KinderGym children program and they love it! The seesaw AND bridge setup has quickly become a favourite. The bright colours entice children to explore, increase their balance skills and confidence.
This was my third purchase from Gym plus, great service, quick and reasonably priced delivery to FNQ. The rack was easy to assemble on my own and great quality.