How to Overcome Fear in Aerial Sports: A Step-by-Step Guide - Gym Plus
Gym & Fitness
  • Gymnastics
  • February 23, 2025 2 min read

    So, you’ve read thebenefits aerial sports can bring - strength, mental wellness, flexibility, etc. - and decided to take it on.Great. 

    You purchase the equipment (or go to a sports session), climb in an aerial hoop or hang on some aerial silk and think,“What the hell am I doing? This is terrifying.”.

    Don’t worry. This happens more than you think. It’s a very strange feeling the first time. However, there are steps you can take to reduce this fear as you learn. 

    Step 1: Face Your Fears Head-On

    Fear is normal, especially while doingaerial yoga or using aerial hoops. In fact, it’s beneficial as it keeps you alert and safe. 

    Instead of looking at fear and going “ew”, get this away from me - acknowledge it. Recognise that your fears are valid, but never let them control you. 

    Something that helps is writing them down. Each day, write down what fear you encountered and the whys and whens. Then, set a goal of overcoming that fear following a specific action. 

    Step 2: Build a Solid Foundation 

    We can all agree on one thing: whether using aerial hoops or aerial silk,they’re heavy mentally and physically.Because of this, you want to strengthen these areas.

    To improve your mental, visualisation, positive self-talk, and using a fear journal is beneficial. 

    Physical improvements, on the other hand, are more about building strength and flexibility or just by performing the aerial sport more. 

    Step 3: Master Fear One Step at a Time 

    Three words -Take It Slow.Read it again and live by it. 

    Start slow, break down skills, and increase your exposure to aerial as you get more comfortable. It’ll take time, and it’s completely normal, don’t worry about it. 

    Step 4: Be Safe, Always 

    You don’t need to be hovering over your carpet or a wooden floor - use safety equipment. It’s not only safe, but it’ll do wonders for your confidence. 

    Using something like aMEMAX professional crash mat or landing mat is beneficial. They’re strong, long-lasting, and, most importantly, very soft, so when you fall, it doesn’t hurt.

    Step 5: Embrace the Learning Process 

    Nobody is perfect at something the first time. You will be a beginner, so be prepared to learn and, most importantly, make mistakes. 

    Step 6: Do It More… 

    Honestly, to all of this,repetition is the secret sauce. The more you practice, the less fear holds you back, simple. 

    Therefore, be consistent. Before you know it, your brain will swap fear for excitement, and that’s when the fun with aerial sports begins. 


    Generally, overcoming any fear takes time. It isn’t an overnight process; it must be considered and actioned upon. 

    Everybody is different, but the following steps can help overcome fear in aerial sports: 

    1. Face Your Fears Head-On

    2. Build a Solid Foundation 

    3. Master Feare One Step at a Time 

    4. Be Safe, Always 

    5. Embrace the Learning Process 

    6. Do It More… 

    The most important step is, of course, todo it more. Simply, the more you do something, the less scary it will be. 

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